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9.8】报告人: Dr.Yiqiang Chen
题目: Years of microscopy service since 2011
2023-09-07 | 文章来源:纳米金属材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

  报告题目: Years of microscopy service since 2011

  报告人: Dr.Yiqiang Chen (Thermofisher Scientific Inc., Netherlands)

  时 间:9月8日(周五) 上午10:00

  地 点:李薰楼468会议室

  摘要:Transmission electron microscopy and its instrumentation has been developed for many decades as a standard and powerful toolset for versatile characterization in materials science. In this presentation, the author will brief one example for resolving a scientific puzzle. More importantly, it will review considerations for building microscope electron optical elements into applications in materials science, for instance, aberration corrector, and how to select which technique for what application to a variety of materials.

  简介:Chen has been a scientist in the field of transmission electron microcopy for materials science in Thermofisher Scientific Inc. He received his PhD in the University of Manchester (UK), as well as the bachelor and master degrees in Harbin Institute of Technology (China). He has worked as research fellow in Monash University (Australia) and Max-Planck institute of Iron research (Germany), prior to joining Thermofisher Scientific Inc. in Eindhoven (Netherlands).



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